Frequently Asked Questions


What is the difference between BSA Troop 8, BT8, and GT8?

BSA Troop 8 is the umbrella organization that supports two independent Scouts BSA Troops: a Boys Troop 8 (BT8) and a Girls Troop 8 (GT8). Both Troops share a common organizational framework and sponsor (the Westlake Foundation), but are programmatically distinct. This BSA Troop 8 website is public facing and serves both Troops, while the BT8 and GT8 operational websites are intended only for its members (and are private behind login credentials).

How do I join BSA Troop 8?

Detailed information about the joining process for new families may be found on our Contact page. Our Troops are not mixed gender, so families that have both son(s) and daughter(s) that want to join BSA Troop 8 must register independently with BT8 and GT8.

Do I have to register as an adult leader with the BSA when my child joins the Troop?

Parents of Scouts who join BT8 or GT8 are not considered adult leaders and do not have to register as such with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Parents should establish a account as part of the youth joining process and any parent wishing to become an adult leader is encouraged to speak with our Committee Chair or Scoutmaster about possibilities.

Do I have to complete Youth Protection Training (YPT)?

BSA Troop 8 requires that all adults who interact directly with Scouts complete Youth Protection Training on and submit their completion certificate to our Training Chair for record-keeping. This includes all adults with a formal role in the Troop, as well as parents who simply volunteer to drive.

What is the BSA portal for? is the portal for registered BSA members (Scouts, parents, adult leaders), providing access to their account data and online training. It is where a new Scout is registered electronically and it where training, most notably Youth Protection Training (YPT), is initiated and tracked. Everyone associated with BSA Troop 8 should have an account on this portal.

Scout Program

Who are the leaders of the Troop?

Our program is planned and executed by our youth leadership, including the Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leaders, and Scouts with a Position of Responsibility. Unformed leaders work directly with the Scouts, while the Troop Committee consists of adult leaders that support the program behind the scenes.

My Scout is not advancing, what should I do?

Remembering that Scouts are responsible for their own advancement, concerned parents should encourage their Scout to talk to their Patrol Leader or Senior Patrol Leader if they are struggling. Parents may speak directly with a uniformed leader or committee member with any concerns, but should never take over the process for their son or daughter.

Why is the Scouts BSA Handbook so important?

The Scouts BSA Handbook contains a record of advancement and is where all advancement completions and signatures are physically recorded. While the Troop stores an electronic backup of this information in our database, the official record is this handbook and it is needed for completing the Eagle rank. Guard it against loss and periodically photocopy the advancement pages as backup.

Data Collection and Privacy

What do you do with the private information that you collect?

BSA Troop 8 maintains a “need-to-know” policy regarding sensitive and private information. Because we must be fully prepared for emergency situations on all outings, we do collect and store some sensitive information in our secured database, including DOB, driver’s license numbers, automobile license tags, and insurance information. Data subject to HIPAA regulations, most notably medical and health information, are securely stored only in hardcopy format and never transferred to our database. While the BSA requires a Social Security Number on an adult application (for the background check), BSA Troop 8 does not store this information.

Why are there so many forms to fill out?

BSA Troop 8 is a large Troop that must properly document its activities with the BSA National Council and, at the same time, handle its own logistics. As part of the joining process (see our Contact page), we require a completed Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Youth Application (either electronic or paper), a completed Annual Health and Medical Record Form (minimally Part A and B, hardcopy only), a Blanket Activity Consent and Release Form (hardcopy only), a BSA Troop 8 Family Questionnaire (hardcopy only), and a BSA Troop Resource Survey. Adults who take on a critical role with the Troop (Committee or Uniformed Leader) must submit a BSA Adult Application (either electronically or paper) and those adults wishing to participate on an outing must also submit a completed Annual Health and Medical Record Form (hardcopy only). Medical forms, activity consent and release forms, and family questionnaires must be updated annually, typically at the start of the program year in September.

Adult Leadership

How do I become involved as an adult leader?

Those wishing to take on a more active role as an adult leader in BT8 or GT8 should consider whether they wish to volunteer on the committee side or the uniformed side of the program. Committee members serve vital roles in support of the program and are managed by the Committee Chair, while uniformed leaders don the Official BSA Uniform and are managed by the Scoutmaster. Some committee positions and all uniformed leader positions require adult registration with the BSA. Please speak with the Committee Chair or the Scoutmaster if interested in volunteering.

How do I get trained as an adult leader?

BSA provides extensive training for adults, including joining courses, orientation courses, and position-specific courses. All adults leaders in BSA Troop 8 are required to be trained for their position and all adults (whether a leader or not) who interact with our Scouts (including drivers) must have completed Youth Protection Training (YPT). All training activities and YPT certifications are tracked on and all adults (parents and leaders) are expected to have a account.